Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weddings, Graduates, Joy, Rudeness

Greatly anticipated, I went to a bridal shower last weekend.  
The bride, fresh master's degree, and new career, made a brilliant choice for her new married life.  He will be in law school, in another state, while she is thriving in her new job.   Copying her parents commuter marriage, she will have the same.
Her thinking never entered my head, graduating college in the 80's.  You go girl !
Enjoyed meeting her pack of well educated girlfriends.  Another common thread amongst them?  Like the bride, they are a posse of old souls.  Strongly sense, decades of threads between them, sometimes tight, often at a great distance, but never further than the phone.
I brought the rudeness, with intention.  Arrived early to get pics of the garden, it's a favorite home/garden.  And, knew the husband would still be there for a walk/talk.  He was taking out a bag of trash while I parked.  Indeed, my skills of timing rudeness are well honed.
He forgot the rest of his chores, and off we went, lost in our little world of gardening.  I knew his wife needed him.  Your point?
Quite a few things to show off, and a huge dilemma.  We both knew our time was limited, but we fit it all in.
My ultimate rudeness, at the end of this tale.

Eggs from their chickens, a cooking lesson for her famous banana pudding.

Their home is new construction, to look old.

Seated at several tables, luncheon was served in courses.
Appetizer was Barefoot Contessa tomato soup, shredded Gruyere cheese on top, served in a white ironstone coffee mug, set on a plate with homemade herbed butter & petite cornbread.
Lunch was chicken salad, mixed green salad, and a frozen jello fruit/vegetable medallion.
When the banana pudding arrived, it was in a punch cup, with silver spoon, on a plate with a surprise, homemade fudge brownie & a pair of decadent ripe strawberries foliage still attached.

Buying a ca. 1900 home, I went thru my friend's home with new eyes, a great seminar, without words, only examples.
Historic accuracy, below, with ceiling, moulding, picture rail, painting arrangement, curtains, her master bedroom.  Amazingly, her corner cabinet, small white table, lamp, painting, I already own close variations of.

 As promised, my ultimate rudeness, below.

Never saw an azalea potted like this, almost a bonsai.  Toad, of Toad Hall, could not have been more expedite in wanton selfishness than I.  Eight year old Tara, on full display.  Here's the thing about serious, into the DNA, gardeners, their 8 year old self will respond to you.  Nothing is rudeness, it's necessity to life/breathing.
"Where did you get that?"  "A man I know does them."  "Can I have one?"  "Yes, I can get you one next week."  "No, I'm moving, I'll want it in July."
Haven't moved in, and thoughts are swirling where this new treasure will be placed, immediately, and in the long term.  Perhaps on a step to the new Conservatory that won't be built for at least a year.  Why a year?  How could I possible know sooner?  Must LIVE in the house, the land, discover the axis and so much more.
Didn't I have a most successful bridal shower?
Garden & Be Well,     XOTara
Pics taken at the bridal shower.  Facebook has been a joy the past couple of months.  Friends children graduating college and many becoming engaged.  Exciting times.  And, thank you to the parents, USA needs the children you've produced and educated.  Unable to have children, cannot imagine my cats driving a car, moving away for college, or their own lives.  Nope, kitties stay with me.  How you parents are doing this, I don't know !


  1. Love seeing the pretty Bates George Washington bedspread on that bead.I just received a new one after 25 years of enjoying my Queen Elizabeth spread. You can't beat a classic

  2. Dear Tara, what a wonderful shower, How was the banana Pudding? Looks delish.
    Have a great Sunday. yvonne

  3. What's not to love? except my arms! Great post. CG needs to patent oven.
    That picture is calling you.

  4. Here's what we do with our children!
    1)My stepdaughter; Jacqueline (now 49) went to Brazil in her junior year in high school for a summer. I took her to the airport. I sat in the waiting room after she got onto the plane for two hours sobbing .) 10 people tried to help me. I kept saying I was "fine"; and kept sobbing!
    2) My daughter, sophomore in college; went to Italy for a semester. Took her to the airport. (she doesn't even know this)! I couldn't leave for 2 hours. (I kept moving to different places in the airport because I thought I might get taken to a mental hospital or something!

    Cats are easier. Wait till you get a dog!

    Grandchildren then get complicated again! Before I could possibly know it.....two are going to college! (did you know that "right brain" people have very little sense if time? (it is another gift we have been given)

    Life is wonderful....and I adore every single day! Did you know.....9 baby ducklings Saturday morning even before the 7 almost flying can fly??

    Never happened before! I think this Mom is the baby of the first Mom......they go back to where they were hatched.....and having two duchesses makes room for everyone! I just stood there with tears when I saw the new ones swimming around!

    My husband paid a fortune to line the pond.....and I told him I don't need another present for the rest of my life!


    nature is incredible.....and adding water to your property does amazing things for wildlife!

  5. Tara, you know the most interesting women! I love the glimpses into their homes, gardens, and interests. And now I know some things to fix with my favorite chicken salad recipe!

  6. You cannot (oh yes; you just proved that you CAN) imagine the sobbing fits.....three daughters when they left home! (and two were only "mine" from 12 and 13 on; and I shared them with their mother...they just lived with us!!)

    Now! How about a double whammy! Grandchildren
    !! One went to boarding school....(45 minutes away....but still) and is 16!!! WHAT???? Two more 16 here!!! Two back east....Two are graduating from high school!!! WHAT???? This just happened with their mothers!!!

    Going to college???

    SOB!!! Again!!! Thank the Lord for the pets! 2 cats, 3 dogs, 21 chickens......

    And the wild ducks and ducklings; and the little wrens who are feeding the second brood of babies in my straw purse on my loggia!!!
    Thank the Lord!!!
