Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Walkabout in a Garden

The bit of lawn, below, harmful to my spirit.  Gone for decades.  Hydrangeas, a stone path, etc.  Where I park my car, I demand a beautiful view.  And from every window in my home, looking into the garden too.
This year the Anna Belle Hydrangea are flowing into bloom according to how much morning sun is filtering across their drift.  When they were planted sunlight was uniform across their breadth, times change.  I delight in the nuance of change.

Taller hydrangea, the native Oakleaf hydrangea are planted at back, below.  Why see the neighbor's home?  In the foreground, below, another Oakleaf hydrangea, a seedling.  Trusting this serendipity is G*d's classroom for Garden Design.  Allowing for Nature.

Walking past the drift, below, looking back at the Anna Belle's from the opposite direction.  Use this feature of Garden Design.  Double axis in walkabout.  Both axis are unique, though it's the same spot.  A dual reality.

 A couple of dandelion, above, at Anna Belle's feet.  Will pull them and take to the Chicken Coop this morning.  Makes me happy, the past few days, watching the dandelions grow, knowing my girls will like the treat.  In addition to savoring the daily nuance in change as the Anna Belle's open.
It has not been lost upon Beloved, my care/thought, feeding my girls, and with him it's, "For a good meal take me out to eat."

 Further walkabout, above, the Oakleaf hydrangea you saw at the back of the first picture, above, I've walked another flagstone path, into the potager, and the backside of the Anna Belle hydrangea drift has another front, there is truly no backside.
In a perfect world, Walkabout: Thru the Seasons, is my first E-book.  Pics of the garden, interspersed with watercolor birds eye views for your map.  When these hydrangea are not blooming, or bare brown sticks in winter, camellias are in peak bloom, crape myrtle bloom above these hydrangeas all summer, Chinese snowball begin before the hydrangea, daffodils before the snowballs....
That is Garden Design.  And this is just a teeny patch of Nature, it's the entire garden behaving in this manner.  Because I must have it to breath.
Walkabout book, after 3 decades in my sweet garden, will never be written here.  Less than 3 weeks, I won't live here anymore.
No I'm not strong enough for this.  Merely know to trust in faith, and grace, my new home & garden, are a gift too.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken yesterday.
Chose my new house colors with Susanne Hudson last weekend.  She's wild busy again with Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival, June 6 - 7, Sat/Sun.  They've honored me this year, I'm the keynote speaker, Saturday at 2pm.  Cannot wait !


  1. Yes, I too need blooms/life all year long. Those hydrangea are beautiful.

  2. What wonderful hydrangea!

    I wish you much joy and peace in your new home and gardens.

