Friday, April 10, 2015

Grey Gardens: Black & White

From the beginning, over 3 decades, this home/garden, below, has drawn me in.
Layers of green, a walled garden, a sense of redolence, timelessness, summer days of childhood, a secret world of your own.  Perhaps you know it, too, from this lone pic.  Grey Gardens.


via Gardenista, above.

Early Grey Gardens | Gardenista

My life in gardens began blessedly before the internet.  I have this book, above, and more like it.  Each, bought-for-a-song at a Goodwill fundraiser held yearly at the local, thriving, mall, staffed with mostly white headed, arthritic, skeletal, sparkling eyed, smiling volunteers.  During those years I looked more forward to this book sale than Christmas, birthday & etc.
Have you already picked-up on why, 'blessedly'?
Aside from price & fragrance of old books.  All the pics, in those books, are in black/white/
Mind, heart & spirit filled in the narrative beyond black/white.  Perhaps the genesis of my career, and that hunger, wanting to know these black/white gardens & create them, instead of abating, increases, with foot still on the gas pedal.

cc98ef27b981ff79_05_grey_gardens (1).jpg

Photo by Peter Vitale/Architectural Digest

From its interior, above, I found this, not looking for Grey Gardens, while sourcing a new project.
From Goodwill fundraiser decades ago, to today, Grey Gardens is still finding me.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Grey Gardens, Gardenista article/pics, here.
Grey Gardens is in glory again, yet malls across USA are dead, or slowly dying.


  1. I didn't know that Grey Gardens had been restored now. I too love finding book gems at Goodwill but I've never heard of our GW stores here having an annual book sale.

    I did find an Elizabeth Lawrence book at the annual library sale in Blowing Rock, NC one year and love its daily entries. Years ago I stuck pages torn from a magazine in it of an article about someone who bought her house after Lawrence was deceased and the joy of uncovering plants and paths that had become overgrown.

    I hope there are many more old garden book finds ahead for your collection, Tara.

  2. Nice synchronicity with the showing of "Grey Gardens" the film, at the Lefont cinema in Sandy Springs Saturday (and repeat on Monday night). Thanks!

  3. The room in the Arch Digest is a room I would love to strive for. I can see myself stretched out anywhere in that room with a good book. Have noted the tiny line of teal color up near the crown molding and will try to copy that soon when I paint my LR. A very unique touch I haven't seen before.
    Know exactly where you're coming from with the Goodwill books. I've found many "finds" there, as well as the estate sales around town. I'm beginning to divest myself of them, however, as I want to see other people read and enjoy them while I'm still around. At my age, I've finally realized I don't have to own every book I want to read.

  4. Forgot to mention, thanks to the reader's comment about Grey Gardens. I'm going to see it tonight, rain or no rain, in what is rush hour traffic across town. :-)
