Friday, April 24, 2015

Conservatory in the Gloaming

My Conservatory, below.  Rescued materials for over a decade, stored in my garage.
New materials, gravel flooring, stone steps, electrical, carpentry, a tin roof.

With few resources, extreme determination, I have a Conservatory.
In the gloaming, the Conservatory is more than alive, it is dryads dancing.  How was I to know?
Gloaming approaches, below.

Shooting from my French doors at the breakfast room terrace, below, last nite.  Last moments of chiaroscuro gloaming.
The ache of this desire.  Ephemeral.
There is more Dark Matter in the universe than what we know of our universe.  Have known this bit of science, on faith, since childhood.  My dad said so.  Georgia Tech engineer, Air Force test pilot, I was born at Wright Pat, NASA rocket scientist, astronaut trainer, space capsule designer, then the ease of Space Shuttle payload avionics, and fun of payload robotic arm, overnite stints in MER, Mission Control became 'everyday' systems watch while the Mission Evaluation Room has active engineering for any system failures, until his death in his late 70's.   Missile guidance systems were his Air Force Reserve 2 week active duty work while we had the white sand beach of the Officers Club, built ca. 1930, between Fort Walton & Destin.
I don't believe in Dark Matter, I know it exists.
In the gloaming, is the closest I get to physically experiencing it.  As if Providence gives us a pin prick in its cloak.
What does this have to do with my Conservatory?  In the gloaming, is the best time for my Conservatory.  People prattle on about 'spring' in a garden, glories of fall foliage, yesyesyesyes, they are beyond words, and I have that in my garden.  Rarer than those glories, are a Conservatory in the Gloaming.

During the gloaming, my century old tongue/groove walls, below, glow reddish.

In the gloaming, and past the gloaming, my conservatory, above, takes me anywhere I want to go.

Beloved brought me a bouquet of Cotton, above, roots still attached.

During daylight, my conservatory, above.

My Conservatory in Better Homes & Gardens magazine, above.  Built this with Susanne Hudson for our garden display at the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival, Douglasville, GA.
Cannot encourage you, enough, to build your own Conservatory.  Mostly for the Gloaming.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Have been in many national magazines, cable TV, PBS, CBS, NBC, lecture stages across the country,  and know, none of those venues can give you what I am trying to pass along in a little blog post.  Curious?  Hopefully enough to finally build your own Conservatory.  


  1. OMG we are on the same path ALWAYS!
    Yesterday saw was trying to figure out what to do with them!I have the idea NOW!!!!

  2. Are you sure you can leave? Sell? I thought I could....and I was talked out of it...and I thank this lady every morning!

    Can you lease it out? do you have to sell it?
    This lady told me this:

    "Your heart and soul is i this house. If you sell it; you will never be as happy again! My friend had a house like this; she sold it; she thought she could do it again.....

    She was so heartboken....she did a few more houses.....she still doesn't love them!

    It stopped me dead in my tracks.

    I am not suggesting that for you! It just made me THINK!

    I am so glad I stopped; rethought and am still in my little slice of heaven here!

    And our ducklings are about ready to fly in around 12 sYA!


    You are one of my favorite people I haven't met!


  3. Your conservatory pulled me in but "gloaming" made me sigh with contentment--one of my favorite words.

    Dark Matter is new to my unscientific mind but I know the importance Providence has in your life so I welcome the pin prick look. And I love reading about your father and his contributions to his field.

    I could sit outside your conservatory in the gloaming until the mosquitoes drove me inside!

  4. I have loved following the story of your conservatory ... smiling each time at the joy you get from it.

  5. I like it! I have a house like yours, made of old Windows. I love it.

  6. WOW!!! Where can I put one of these?!
