Friday, February 6, 2015

Grand View with a Simple Staging Maneuver

French doors, below, overlook mountain views into Georgia & North Carolina.
Before staging, the French doors overlooked patio furniture.
Not in my realm.
Staging, often, is this simple.

Mission statement for staging this cabin for-sale-by-owner, and vacation rentals was easy.  Maximize mountain views from every window & comfort & ease.  Make every picture, in every listing, say, "Rent me, BUY me."
This pic made neither listing.  With that furniture?   However, 'Outdoor dining, seats 6', was in the ads.  Linen napkins/placemats and a tray were put in the kitchen.  And used.  Detective Dillard noted sweet remnants of a child's birthday party held on the deck, after one rental.    
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
More about staging this property, here.
Staging is about making money, making a sale.  This client, a friend, quite pleased with the results of staging/listing.  At the front end, he was not on board with staging in-the-least.  After a year?  Results out-of-the-ball-park compared to his professional rental agency, and realtors.
How I wished Jenny, my mother-in-law were still alive, sourcing kitchen linens for this project.  Thrift store & under $5.  Rough hewn linen, denim chambray color, and already loved/laundered to perfection, set of 10.  Brought one of my own trays for the kitchen.  Seriously, cabin kitchen had no tray?  Jenny,  gave me this, linens for meals, picnics, baskets & trays for carrying.  Her sister-in-law aimed a snide remark, after Jenny's funeral, to the wrong person, me, she said, Jenny ate with linen napkins but the rest of her house was chaos.  No, her home was lived in and loved, always filled with her grown children, their spouses & grandchildren.  Is there another measure?  Breast cancer age 57, Jenny gone.  For a few more weeks my sister/me are book ends to the age Jenny was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the age she died.  Another arrow of grief, unexpected, adding more depth, as if it were needed, to a loss.


  1. Staging is very important when trying to sell a home, you’re right. Sometimes realtors will place a few pieces of handcrafted pottery on a mantle or in a built in book shelf. It gives people a sense of home.

  2. Thanks for the link to the comprehensive post on this rental mgmt issue...I see exactly why you did this, and am glad you did. Also glad you said it has to be done properly, or you walk...amen. Should have done that on 3/4 of past clients, esp my earlier years.

    Also your longer posts are awesome, well-explained.

    (as I still try to get out 1 or 2 short Tara-posts on my own blog...still not there)

  3. No better measure to Jenny's life than what you summed up in your last paragraph. I would read a book about her if it were written. I wish you would write it, Tara.

    When I go to a Goodwill store I head directly to linens. I never regret anything I've found there, only the ones I passed up not knowing where I'd use them. Later I always think of some place.
