Monday, February 2, 2015

Clive Nichols: Shooting Gardens at the Edge

Clive Nichols, below.  He shoots a garden, and it is his garden, yet given away as shutter snaps.

Wollerton Old Hall  A formal plantsman's garden with garden 'rooms' each with their own defining style

Of course you want your feet to crunch on the gravel, above, and walk thru that door. I have walked thru dozens of these graveled doorways across continents & countries, Clive Nichols shoots them exactly as they are in the memory of sparking brain cells.  His shots capture the owner's fantasy & caretakers hands, and my moments being there.

Clematis 'Shimmer' by Clive Nichols

Repeatedly, Clive Nichols shows the beauty of the present, above, yet greater enticements soon to arrive, in the bud.  Perhaps this is his talent, capturing the frisson of life's potent edge, the margins of change.  Providence.  Atonement in the cusp of change, abiding in the moment caught.
Clive does not bring his equipment into any garden for amusement.  His skills are used in stewardship.

Lavender and olive trees near Grasse, France. Photo: Clive Nichols

These are not olive trees, above, with breeze blown lavender.  No.  You are walking thru lavender and touching olive branches as you pass.

clive nichols  I want to name this photo " wakie wakie, rise and shine!"  Julie

More than 'how' to shoot, Clive Nichols, knows 'what' to shoot.  He owns the rose, above, yet gives it away, both, in the same moment.  A truth about  gardens.  No matter the 'owner', a garden is given to all who see.

The coral garden Clive Nichols Photograhy

Clive, you unmask me, in a quick snap, above.  The snows of early summer have begun, above, with petals falling to the ground.  Tara Turf, winding past temporary focal points with the roses in bloom, and the subsidiary focal point with a watering can on the chair, Tara's Garden Design Rule: Just Let It Touch, a chair leg just-brushing the taller Tara Turf, rose foliage caressing a chair's shoulder, a petal fallen on the watering can, color theme chosen, scent of a mown path's new growth, scent of the taller Tara Turf, musky, redolent of native bees honey still being skewered into their pollen basket with nectar, and the gift of letting us have hints of roses on the wind, as you do.  (Wowza, that turned into a free, Garden Design Class - All About Subsidiary Focal Points.)

Clive Nichols - Library of contemporary fine art and botanical images of flowers and gardens

Nothing 'modern' in a garden is new.  Nothing.  New gardeners think there is a difference amongst styles of gardens across centuries, including our own moment.  Clive keeps shooting his own way, knowing the newest of gardens is as old as the earliest recorded.

Clive Nichols photo of Dominique LaFourcade's work 054586.jpg

Designer, owner, caretaker, time as it takes that trinity across occupants, above, Clive captures the earnestness of heart-on-your-sleeve gardening.

Clive-Nichols-Garden-&-Flower-Photographer. Wonderful lighting - wonder what it looks like at noon?

My garden study tours across the globe have been the most thrilling/exhausting work I've ever done.  Up at 4am for breakfast, riding the bus to another garden for a day's allotment of 2-3, rain/shine.  Clive Nichols captures exactly, above, the moment 4am-toil-expense-inconvenience, gone.  And, I can smell the freshly mown low Tara Turf, above, hear the water, feel the morning rays, understand dimensions, feel the proportions, intuit the age of focal points-trees-shrubs...turn toward axis, understand why they are there, showing off, or hinting at seduction.
It isn't my interest to shoot like Clive Nichols.  My interest is designing gardens Clive wants to shoot.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Clive Nichols teaches photography classes, here.  Perhaps, in the fullness of time, I will take my own photography from the edge of being a Clive Nichols, to being a Clive Nichols.  Hunger still too strong to create those gardens Clive wants to shoot.  However, would love to attend a Clive Nichols seminar.  Perhaps one of my clients, with frequent flier miles, a barn with accommodations, a garden on site to shoot, and several nearby could sponsor something like this?  Acquiring Clive Nichols in their garden, shooting, as reward.


  1. GORGEOUS...................Nothing puts one in a GOOD MOOD more than this!

  2. Thank you for this wonderful gift of another feast for the eyes and heart ... and for the reminder that we each have our own talents to cherish and to share with the world. I'm glad that you bless the world with your love of all things beautiful and that you awaken the recognition of that beauty (even among the unsuspecting) with your vision, love, and hard work.

  3. He’s got a great eye. I could practically smell the lavender.

  4. OMG what beautiful inspiring pictures. And writing around the 4am picture that actually evoked the sense of smell and made me, a night time person, want to get up at 4 to see and smell what is going on at that time!

  5. Here is my blog
