Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why Boring-is-Good is Your Best Design

"Build your own prison", he said at the start.
She laughed.
3 years later, pieces of the start have already been undone.
She laughed then too, remembering his words.

Boring is Good
I design gardens for a living, he of build-your-own-prison, installs gardens commercial/residential, for a living.
We have 60+ years in our livelihoods.
Take our words at the front end.
If you don't, the epitaph is not propitious.
Worse than money lost, you will have frittered time.
Money can be earned.
No one can earn time.
Build your own prison.  Boring is good.
Keep it simple sweetie.
Outside a client's hedge, below.
It's packing a punch.

Inside the same corner of hedge, below.

Several cars park here, on view from every back window of the house.
Boring is good, but includes intellect, wit, function, delight to the eye in every season, attractiveness to pollinators, easy to maintain, raises property value, lowers HVAC, & etc....
Counterintuitively, wickedly boring gardens showcase your inner joy, laughter, intellect, and are more unique than any garden you could conjure with your lizard brain.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara

This client now sees into the soul of person as they walk/talk with her in her garden.  What they see, or don't see, and spontaneously respond/react to informs reams about their heart.  

1 comment:

  1. Though this is only "boring" in the sense of how it isn't "busy".

    I showed a college class I taught a decade ago, a few examples of large space design and how that relates plant selection and design...the reaction to a Phoenix freeway really surprised me...the simplicity of bougainvilleas on the slopes, and intersection clumps of low desert acacia trees / succulents as seen from 70 mph totally went against brainwashing, how busy = good design.

    Boring even with bold flowers in huge banks didn't even win them over. Great reminders here, Tara.
