Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Design that isn't Designed

Using what you have Garden Design, below.
With delectable additions.
Without fail, after a designed garden has aged, the best pictures are never the intended best pictures.
I study these.  Ponder them.  Time passes.
Most often, without answer.

Yet.  No matter the scenario, I create a garden.
Garden whisperer.
At a jobsite, working in the mode of what exists, what is available, permutations in rivulets top-down in the brain, nothing else exists, nothing.  Moments of eternity.  No time, no hunger, no sense of breathing or heart beat, at one with, atonement.
Then the general contractor, yelling across a meadow, hurry up these guys can't stand here all day.
Ripped from atonement.
Rivulets gone.  Into the present, only a distant memory of eternity.
Guys coming in, plantings placed, me adjusting, adjusting, adjusting, what I can.  Just damn the aging body, plants heavier than me, must be moved a foot.  The men 'know', I am desperate.  Intuitive.  Their boss, the general contractor who they must satisfy, yet all of them, like a waltz, dipping in to my panic, helping, one human to another.
Was on a panel judging garden entries for our state's largest trade group yesterday.  A particular home, a vacation home, magnificent in setting/architecture/landscape, we gave it the top award.  Rare the individual in any era acquiring a gettaway home like this one.  Yet, my heart doesn't want to own/enjoy that home.   Rather, dozens of those homes, I want to design/install the gardens.  The wealth of my soul.  Atonement.
 " He who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth is generally considered a fortunate person, but his good fortune is small compared to that of the happy mortal who enters the world with a passion for flowers in his soul."  Celia Thaxter, An Island Garden, page 4.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic Nest Pretty Things

Was given, An Island Garden, by my mother-in-law, Jenny, decades ago.  Have read it several times, and will read it many times more.


  1. Yes. I completely get the suspended time. Looking at that picture madee sigh deeply. Lovely. As are your words.

  2. Thank you! The aim to always create a view, a feeling, charm, this is what I found in England's gardens and in Charleston, South Carolina. Your writing is very heart felt. I was able to create this in my last home. We are building again, I can hardly wait to get started on my next.

  3. Through 2 days of my back being out, I couldn't wait to get back to my computer to read your posts again. All of them energize me but the ones like this one that take me into that world where you study and think and then create are the ones that make me sigh with contentment that you've done it again.

    "Using what you have…and then the delectable additions." So right.

    To see you enter that world where "nothing else exists", not even hunger, where the men move with you as one--"like a waltz"--these moments in your life/work satisfy me the way I felt when I used to watch my father, a gardener extraordinaire, work in his own gardens and those of his clients.

    Now on to catch up with other posts I've missed but won't comment on them for fear of being thought a blog stalker!
