Monday, December 8, 2014

When It's Time to Enlarge Your Deck

Perfect newish home, below.
Single flaw.
Open deck, below, with grill, was too narrow for social gatherings.

Keeping the original steps, below, and reusing the rails, and adding 6 floor boards, is a small enlargement. Yet, huge difference.  'Work' space is transformed into a place to grill & chill with family, pets, friends.
(Under the covered porch, above, # 89 granite gravel added and soon, lattice panels, for family storage of garden tools & kids yard toys.)

A flagstone terrace, at the steps was enlarged too.
Garden Design is not about plants 'first', it's form/function, then plants.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
pics taken last week.  Thought it would be helpful for you to see how 'little' needs to be added to transform a space.  See my handmade Amish basket on the steps?  Sat there and had a scrumptious BBQ sandwich, coleslaw & Brunswick stew with my team.  I was there to walk the existing tapestry hedge at the back property line and tell my GC which plants stay & go.  Notice how the guys were clothed on a fine December day !
For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.
NOTE to my gardening friends... look for changes to come. 
Knew before computers/cell phones, sitting in Atlanta traffic on way to a client, 'I must reach a larger audience with the same amount of effort.'   Soon after that epiphany I signed my CBS-TV, and, books contracts on the same day.
Then I read an article in the NYTimes about something called 'blogging'.  Saved the article for a year before reading it.  Studied all the blogs they mentioned, hired a computer expert they quoted, and attended a blogging seminar.
Blogging 2.0 has arrived, my knowledge is 1.0.  A believer in copying the best historic gardens across the globe it flows into every arena of life.  Watching Maria Killam grow her career/blog/life over the past 3 years made its impact.  Signed up  for a year's course with her blogging expert, Jon Morrow
Changes will be slow, plodding is my adored method.  Pulling triggers here/there is spice in the mix.
What do YOU want?
Nothing is too small, too big, or too ego crushing to mention.
Passion lies in sharing what has filled me to the depths of grace, joy & atonement, the best landscapes created over the last 2,000+ years.

Just so you know... 

 I  welcome your input.


  1. Sometimes small changes can be huge.

  2. Tara, it's simply a personal opinion but if the porch begins at the house line, then the entire porch and deck seem too narrow...hardly enough for 2 people to stand and talk and a third go around. When Dave and I were discussing the sun room addition, we decided to use the Golden Mean as our guideline. If called upon, that room can seat ten people, comfortably with a bit more space to traverse. I believe the sun room too crowded with furniture but it's still useable space. (I've given away so much furniture and still have stuff waiting for people to pick up.)
    The deck addition will make the area a lot safer and easier to navigate; will there be a railing?

  3. Hey Tara, Merry Christmas. Renee will be adding a deck of her new Kitchen in the spring. Sorry I haven't been blogging so much going on. Happy Holidays to you.

  4. This deck gets me pumped for my own patio and new containers...not to mention more tight projects.
