Thursday, September 18, 2014

Maya Angelou: Beautiful Landscape + Beautiful Life

A client recently asked, "That crape myrtle tree at my patio is too messy, is it ok to cut it down?"
A beautiful crape myrtle it was planted before we met.
Alas, they are messy.  For weeks.  Very messy.
My answer?
It's important to be tied to the land, follow its progression through the seasons.  Devote unencumbered time, just you and your garden.  No phone, no agenda.  Let the body work in your garden, while your brain is finally using regions untouched.  Answers to questions you didn't know you had will arrive.  Plants emit wavelengths absorbed through your skin, let Providence work into you.  Literally.
At the front end, it seems like work.  But that's wrong.  It is grace & joy waiting for you to tap their powers.

Part of my inner strength, pure grit, arrives sideways as I putter in my garden.  Body responding intuitively to doing the next-right-thing while mind has left the shackles of this Earth.
Maya Angelou knows why my answer is counterintuitive, below.

I believe in more than a beautiful landscape, I believe the action steps of creating/keeping a beautiful garden are the key to a beautiful life.
Beautiful garden, beautiful life.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics via Pinterest.  Top pic from Penelope Bianchi's fabulous garden.
Told the client to use an electric blower with extension cord, Toro.  Notice, stewardship begins with you for the garden, changing to the garden in stewardship of you.  

For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. I have that same SHOT tara!
    She does have a beautiful garden...........and I would say HER LIFE is FULL.
    A beautiful woman that Penelope..........XX

  2. Beautifully spoken words of truth...(I kept clicking on the Plants give off wavelengths...hoping there was a link!!)
    Well said Tara! Love your sentiments!

  3. I was just thinking this, although with way less knowledge and talent. We had to cut down a California Bay Laurel - when they came a few weeks later to grind the stump, I sent them away. I like it there. Some hydrangeas are looking poorly, I'm just waiting to see what they do. As long as the green/brown/white is in place, as you say, there's so much space for your garden, and you, to be alive.

    I'll try to ease up on the fangirl spam soon:).

  4. I have a neighbor who worships his grass more than his wife. Hours are spent each week mowing and blowing and fertilizing. He has four crape myrtles along his drive, that every year he hacks back to the most painful looking stubs, because he doesn't want them to bloom, as "they are messy". I suggested he simply take them out. To date, he has not done so, but I can't help but compare his poor little stubs to my gorgeous, bodacious Acomas that grace my driveway, and sigh.

  5. I just cry. You join my garden with the wisdom and beauty of Maya Angelou just makes me cry with appreciation and love!

    Thank you Tara.....again and again!

    funniest thing.....that back corner of the picture....held a "crape myrtle" of my mother's (now planted in my daughter's garden less than a mile away)...that was not a coincidence! I will find a picture!

    Such an be included on your wonderful blog!!

