Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to Create Wall Art Using Old Tools

Their collection, below, better than most museums.

Do not know the names of 95% + of these tools.

 Do not know how to properly use most of them.

Decades of scouring for old tools, never found most of these.

 If this homeowner is in Garden Club they're a perfect venue for a monthly meeting.

There must be someone who knows all these tools and could speak about their proper use, name, era, what the earlier/later versions were, what types of wood they are made from, how the metal was forged, which parts are handmade vs. machine made, how many decades of use they encountered, which crops each tool could help with, which parts of the country they were most widely used, what is their derivation from the European counterpart, & etc.
Each tool, silent witness to greatness.
Pulling Earth's bounty to our benefit.
The action feeding mind, body, spirit.
Perhaps this is the great metaphor from Providence, personally pulling Earth's bounty.  We don't work the tools they work into us every good thing.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Heading off to any trip Beloved has learned he must say, "We are not going into any museums."  Luff me a local museum.  Guess who always says, "I'm glad we came in this museum."
Asked to lecture at a huge symposium for Atlanta Botanical Garden, they gave the title, Tools.  Honored to be asked, via phone this was pre-internet, I hung up in sinking fear.  What did I just do?  How can I speak for an hour about tools?
Straight to my 8" thick Webster's dictionary for the Latin & Greek derivations of 'tool'.
First definition is, 'weapon'.  Interesting.  Second definition is, 'penis'.  Yes, talk was in the bag.
You know what happened.  Have been asked to give this talk many times since !

Took pics at an open garden this spring in Buckhead, aka Atlanta, GA.
 For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. What a fantastic collection of implements, displayed so beautifully in this location! You might find 'The Mercer Museum' interesting, in Bucks County, PA. It houses a collection of over 40,000 everyday tools and implements used by early Americans...I bet they could tell you the use of each one of these beauties!! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. I'll be damned if I can figure out what the hell you talked about with those two definitions! Holy Cow!

    Since I am a "decorator"; what I LOVE is how those things are so beautifully arranged on that wall! It is obvious to me immediately that they are "garden tools"! How cool that you care what they do; AND love how they look!

    (I just care how they look....and they have such patina and such a look of being used and loved and cared for!) Fantastic!!!

  3. PS So artfully arranged! Tell the person big fat A+ from me on the arrangement! I "felt" that they have made gardens beautiful for many years!!

  4. Hi Tara, these are fun tools, I see a hay fork,2 sickles and 1 hand sickle, hand hoe, snow shovel, 2 man saw, Mallet, and a fruit picker, a tack hammer. Also a hand trowel.

  5. Lovely tools......placed beautifully!

  6. "This is just what a "natural, gifted artist does" with things!

    I bet she didn't even think very hard.....just "went for it!"

    "We" (and I am humbly saying I was born with the gift) are so lucky and blessed to have been born with it!

    what a perfect example! Gorgeous! And I can tell it just came from the "heart....engaged with the eye"

    Magnificent! My mother would have said......."LOOK!! That is SOO 'Tony Duquette'"!!

    Tara!! Google "Tony Duquette"! (maybe you already know about him......I adored him. and was a friend....and am a friend with the divine Hutton and Ruthie Wilkinson who continue his legacy!) Go peek!!!

