Monday, May 12, 2014

Front Porch: Foundation Plantings or Steps?

Easy knowing they use their front porch, below.  Mosquito repellent sitting at the French doors on the right.
Their front yard is large & they have children.
Foundation plantings here are an interesting choice.
Of course, they have a fabulous large back yard too.

Privacy isn't needed otherwise the foundation plantings would be a bit taller.

Would you, if this were your home, keep the foundation plantings or move them & replace with steps?
Plant selection is perfecto.  Large house & garden, 2 careers, children, dogs, and a yard easy to maintain.
Always ask questions.  Makes you an instant garden designer.
If this were a town home front porch it's amazing how a bit of height on the foundation plantings provide a sitting area with privacy.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics at a soiree last weekend.  This house is close-in Atlanta.  A pocket of woodland in the city.    
For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning:
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. We are asking these exact questions right now for our front porch. I try to think "what would Tara Dillard say?"

  2. I would build steps to line up with existing steps to open up the space and provide casual seating. Would you line the steps up or rebate them to follow the line of the verandah?

  3. Jacinta, both your ideas are correct.

    Depending on who owns the house.

    1st idea is more formal.

    2nd idea is less formal.

    Would take my answer from the interior decorating style !


  4. To me, city or country, I would keep the low hedge / groundcover combo. It abstracts steps to me, and is a polite buffer...that long porch is perfect, too.
