Thursday, May 29, 2014

Design: Know Where Important Views Begin

The most important views of your garden are from inside.
Kitchen views into the garden are imperative. 
Make a choice, it's that simple.
Continue with your life accepting garden views harmful to your spirit or make the choice to create garden views joyful to your heart.
Too busy?  No Money?  Life issues?
Then, those views are essential.
I know from whence I speak.  With zero need to relay any of it here.
No matter where you start, your garden can take you (if needed) from victim to survivor to thriver.
Each of us is all of the above, excepting, too often, thriver.
When you make a choice for your garden, you indeed make a choice to thrive.

Standing at the kitchen sink this morning eating yogurt I see, above, to my left, Torte de Shelle, resting on the table Beloved commissioned for me as a birthday gift.
The mophead hydrangeas starting to color, above, a gift from my bosom friend Penny McHenry, who died several years ago.

Without moving my feet, and looking right, above, another hydrangea from Penny causing a great stir in my heart as it approaches peak.
The teak bench was a 40th birthday present to myself.  It arrived with a surprise, it needed assembly.  I adore that type of chore !
The variegated Boxwood was bought on a whim, not knowing if it would do well in this zone.  It does well.
Is it any wonder I stand at the kitchen sink & eat breakfast?  Literally, the energy & joy filling into my spirit is felt.  Pure atonement.
2+ decades ago I named my business, A Garden View, Inc.  Obvious, now, where I was headed though zero clue at the time.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pics taken this morning.  Pic, below, though fuzzy is my favorite.

 For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning:
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. So luck to have found this blog. It's inspiring especially for me who is a landscape and garden enthusiast. These are nice ideas in achieving a well-organized and planned garden or backyard.

    Amy Reed|

  2. I love how you make me think about things. I spend my mornings at the counter between the kitchen and dining room, watching the light and shadows in the garden from my favorite vantage point. All I have to do is turn my head so be part of my favorite view.

  3. I too stand at my kitchen counter and down the yogurt!I have it its there!!!!!!I think you would give me an A+.

  4. Yes and amen! I think a garden has all of the answers we need. In my time of loss and grief I picked up my father's 10-pound sledge hammer and began building stone walls. Prior to that I was a prissy kind of girl, but I laced up my boots, stopped on my weight belt and went outside to heal. I am a woody plant girl—love trees and shrubs and structure more than blooms. We are in the midst of a remodel and took out a wall and then enlarged windows at the back of out house so that our garden is now visible. My husband retires in a year and it will be our perch to watch our world. I have come to learn to love what loves you back.

  5. Well said, "I have come to learn to love what loves you back."

    Then you knock out walls to see your garden, vanishing threshold.

    Loving you back.

    Contessa you've had an A+ since birth. Cannot wait to walk your paths !!! I'll probably be holding your hand too or my arm around you.

    Bless all the mentors teaching me so much. Of course many now gone.
    Fun to see them alive with comments here.

    Garden & Be Well, XOT
