Monday, March 17, 2014

Wendell Berry: Poem Pics in a Garden

"....If a lonely soul
did ever cry out

in company its true
outcry to God,

it would be as though
at a sedate party
a man suddenly
removed his clothes

and took his wife
passionately into his arms. "  Wendell Berry

Love laid bare.
Penelope Bianchi's garden, love laid bare.
Tell me, again, the comforts/securities/spirit of mow-blow-go-commodify-all-I-touch-lawn/green meatballs/annuals-weed killer-fertilizer subdivision landscape?
Do you have the landscape you want?  You know, the one in your heart.  Life is short, time to let your love lay bare, in garden & home.  
Beware, you'll attract the life you've dreamed of.  But, better.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pics Penelope Bianchi.
Terry Hershey, "...where I talked about Scandalous Love and a woman in the Gospel of Luke and how her incautious, imprudent anointing and kissing of Jesus' feet raised a few eyebrows. About a woman who finds herself--her equilibrium, her salvation, her healing and her wholeness--by falling in love. That place of vulnerability, when all of our boundaries--of control and answers and solutions and theological or religious piety--melt away, and we see who we are and what we want and who we can be and who we have pretended to be all along."
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon


  1. THAT HOME I KNOW!I have been lucky enough to have been invited there.All because of the WORLD of BLOGS!I can honestly tell you that the AMBIENCE of this home is COMPLETE.Not a wall or corner of the house has not been perfectly touched by the creative spirit and GREAT EYE of MADAME PENELOPE!Tis a JEWEL set in a location that is MOVIE STAR WORTHY.And to cap it all off she even has animals everywhere………….A true LOVING HOME!

  2. Oh my goodness!!

    What an honor! I love this post! I am truly "teary"!!!

  3. fear of falling used to be number one. now we know it is fear of being our authentic self and being rejected. how can clover in a lawn be frightening? ditto, the dandelions and violets. love laid bare for the earth is liberating.

  4. Yes!! Penny's home and garden are exquisite, the very best I have ever seen.(including the ones we studied in Europe!)It is the product of a loving, generous and creative heart. She is fearless!

    Long may she reign and inspire!
    No mow & blow gas exhaust etc...

  5. Hi Tara, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  6. New thoughts and ideas for me...and my subdivision life. Your blogpost is inspiring!


  7. Oh! The 1st picture made me take in my breath - then I smiled, more broadly, as each one came into view.


    I'm so glad you're posting regularly again! I missed you on your recent little "break".

    MY holy trinity is comprised of Penelope Bianchi, Terry Hershey...and YOU!

    Wishing you a wondrous Spring,
    nancy v-b

