Saturday, March 22, 2014

Suzanne Somers: Botanist & Soil Expert

With tea, toast, cats, & a fever I'm on the sofa with Suzanne Somers & Katie Couric on tv.  Who knew Suzanne Somers would say the profound?

But first.
At 66 Suzanne Somers is a ripe peach.  Touting her health, mental happiness & sex life.  Poor, (should have borrowed Somers make-up artist & hairdresser) Katie Couric was a peach pit, her eyes cannot smile when her mouth does & it's painful to watch (to be fair we all have a bad day here/there).   Feverish me was not yet peach compost.
Suzanne bubbles on, and on, then, "...we have to take mineral supplements because the way we grow our food has destroyed that ability......"
Statement of the obvious, and truth.
Organic gardening does not mean, only, not using chemicals.
N-P-K fertilizers are not organic.  
They kill mycorrhizal fungi & poison groundwater & can make a bomb.
Mycorrhizal fungi help roots take up minerals from soil.  
A Providentially planned relationship similar to the good bacteria in our digestive track.

2 + decades ago & my first study tour of historic European gardens.  Discovered Tara Turf, above.
Why did USA ever stop?  No chemicals or irrigation needed & less labor expense.  A trinity of money saving there.  Pollinators abound, soil microbes thrive.  Food from this soil, above, is healthier, and safer, than big-ag food.
Sure, the supplements Somers sells are not 100% science but the food big-ag sells is engineered to ward off insects, weeds.  Doubt Suzanne's products can make that claim.

Where is the crystal ball?  20 years from now would like too see Somers/Couric on tv together again.  If Summers is still the ripe peach with a great sex life her empire is assured.  And I'm buying.
Yes, this is long but it took years to discover even with a USA horticulture degree.  The learning was in my head.  It has since passed to my heart.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon


  1. Great Post!
    Sorry, to hear your sick…………….speedy recovery!
    Tis SPRING TIME!!!!!!!

  2. Love that photo of the grass squares. Get well soon!

  3. The contrast of Couric not truly smiling, "Krissy" smiling, and how our land and gardens can smile...just so much money cannot buy. Too bad that too few want to pay someone who thinks!

    But we always learn and keep going.

  4. What we ate from the garden when I was a child was "good food." Natural food. Do you mean Katie looked like that due to cosmetic surgery???

  5. Hope you feel better! Love the posts...all of them, everyday.. Best part of my evening routine...reading these.. missed you. Friends pie was not complete w/o you. Next time..

  6. Hope you feel better soon. Add ginger to your tea.

  7. Hope you're feeling better. Maybe you are throwing off some toxins, your body knowing what's best. It's more difficult for the earth to do the same.

    Get well!

  8. I love this post

    And most of all; I love YOU! I am researching places for you to speak here in Southern California!

    The Bel Air garden club is coming to Santa Barbara on April 2nd! WE are in a drought....water rationing!

    OURS is an say the least.....landscaping!

    Love that they picked it! LOVE!!!


  9. By the way; (I will pay you for the advice!!) my divine loggia.......where we completely live!! the deciduous vine did not lose it's leaves for 10 years or so.....then it did. Last year I got some blue light spotlights.....what do you suggest?

    Please send me a bill!



  10. Agree about the ginger in your tea. Take care to take care. And yes to sex, eating well, being happy, having focus and tending the earth.

  11. The learning was in my head. It has since passed to my heart. The "nicest" statement of all. franki

  12. sorry you are sick..hope you are feeling better...and your words here are very wise...
    love your blog..
    Love, Mona
