Thursday, March 27, 2014

Enfilades: You MUST have them inside/outside

Interiors must have enfilades, below.

Gardens must have enfilades, below.

More, each garden view from your interior must have an enfilade.
Perhaps this is why my nose flares, eyes narrow, right eyebrow rises, and a deep breath follows when I'm first asked, "What plant goes here?"
Major reason most gardens aren't where they need to be?  Too concerned with plants and zero thought to enfilades.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Top pic at jobsite last weekend, bottom pic I Love Your Style.
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon


  1. I need to go LOOK that word up again in YOUR BOOKS!I agree………..if those pillars and that dog is an ENFILADE then WE ALL NEED THESE!

  2. I am learning, thanks solely to you!

    I have moved several garden beds since discovering you, Tara...I am truly grateful for the knowledge you share!


