Monday, February 3, 2014

How to Know it's the Muse Speaking

A client in an older subdivision in Athens, Ga has a bit of vintage woodland at the margin.
Their home is Connecticut farmhouse vernacular ca. 1894.
Not large, not small, not grand, pure elegant.

We will make a slight clearing in the vintage woods for a cabin.
EXACTLY the cabin in imagination, above.
A folly to be discovered.  A folly that can be used as many things thru the years.
Let the rescue operation begin: windows, stone, brick, door, wood.....
Hired to design the garden it's amazing what the Muse thinks of.  Perhaps your Muse speaks and you think you're having 'crazy thoughts'.  How to know it's the Muse speaking?  The idea scares you a bit, stretches you out of your comfort zone, yet from 1st thought the idea is thrilling, delightful in the way joy was when you were 8 years old.  Here lies your spirit.  Wabi sabi, feng shui.  Not listening is perilous.  Letting others steer you away from your Muse?  They are in your life why?  
Too often it's the one we love saying, What?  Here's what to say if the one you love hinders the path to your Muse's bidding, "Your words are harmful to my spirit.", or simply, "It makes me happy."
Over 50 and a woman?  Either statement could empty a stadium full of men spoken with the right tone/body language.  But you already know that.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic via  Content in a Cottage.
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon.


  1. Your words make me smile..great wisdom here...and I am that woman over 50...way over.. :-)
    love, Mona

  2. God spoke to me in a dream two weeks ago.

  3. Hmmm...muses, cabins, men hearing of such a woman. Best get back to my work!

  4. I am blessed with a wonderful hubby who learned years ago to just sit and watch. He learned years ago that in the end he would love what I wanted. It might be a pain to get there but the results are well worth it.

  5. This post is worth several therapy sessions. And since I'm 49, I'm on the cusp of knowing all this. Must repeat: "It makes me happy." Love it!
