Saturday, February 22, 2014

Edna St. Vincent Millay: Burn Your Light

Light from the garden, below.

Interesting legs, garden light a few of my favorite things.
Oh my the criticisms, for decades, for leaning inward, to seemingly insignificant small joys.
Edna St. Vincent Millay, "My candle burns at both ends; / It will not last the night; / But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends — / It gives a lovely light!"
I met Peter Pan yesterday, and he wasn't lost.  With a bigger life I doubt I would have known.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
My bedroom, above, renovation still needs yellow/white French check draperies a la Charles Faudree.   Walls, Benjamin Moore - Sundress.  Hence you won't see more till then!  Painting by, Christine Gholson.  Truly, the light in my home is enriched by the garden.
A quote in NYTimes long ago, "The more you go inward the more you outwardly connect." Pure permission, be-who-you-are.
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon


  1. it is my birthday! best ever! the rooster is crowing.......there is a problem.....but he and they are safe!

    the best birthday ever! will post a blog about it!

    You have added so much to my life!

    Thank you! I am ordering friend says they ship at night!

    More info later!

    My birthday was far better thanks to you!

    And my darling daughter.....and my darling husband! I will post a blog about it.....first in a long time1 (two months?) I love doing a blog......but............(when there is a "but" something not so good is not very far behind!

  2. I wonder how many designers think about how the legs of their furniture will look in reflection.
