Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Know Why Your Landscape Doesn't Look Like It Should

I know why landscapes do not look the way the majority of owners want them to.

Micro: We see a beautiful landscape, in person or picture, and isolate a few things to copy.  This cuts 'the hermeneutic circle',  ("which describes how any single part (a word, a line, a data point) of a book is best interpreted after completing the whole work. The whole explains the deeper meaning of the parts, though individual parts constitute the whole." Harvard Business Review, 11-14-13)  
Macro: The Dirt Bias.  Somehow, the thinking goes, it's just dirt and there could not possibly be any 'great' intellect required to make dirt do-what-I-want.
Yet, most people are Intuitive Gardeners.   Why, then, are there not oodles & oodles of gorgeous (Human made) landscapes doting the globe?  You don't trust yourself.  Your inner voice seems too simple.
Why can I design the landscape you want?  I listen to your inner voice.  Instead of fearing it, I take it and PLAY !  Keeping every element simple & functional & pretty.
Creating beautiful landscapes is as easy as following a recipe.
Alas, that Dirt Bias & ego of intellect.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
You know I was the former Queen of the Dirt Bias, glad that reign is over.
Pic, my lunch.  Little time to cook, the presentation is always lovely.


  1. Lunch looks delicious………do you know us women are suppose to eat 6 almonds a day?

  2. Make sense, the whole is not the sum of the parts, it's so much deeper. We are too much alike, but I'm sure we were not separated at birth...after all my father was a bomber pilot and your's a test pilot!!

  3. OMG, I do wish you could speak with our "gardener" who has NO CLUE about dirt. Seriously! And, he thinks he knows everything.

  4. I've trained myself to call it soil instead of dirt. That seems to help.
