Monday, November 25, 2013

Garden Design + Interior Design

Garden Design begins inside your home.  Ginger Barber interior design, below.

If the lane is indeed a dirt drive to this home I, seriously,  swoon.
A trinity for Barber's work, Designing beach houses, farm house and ruralist." 
In a single picture, above, a several week class on garden design & interior design can be taught.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pic Ginger Barber.   First seen at Cote de Texas.  Pure vanishing threshold.


  1. Choices, follow that staircase up or follow the road that is reflected in the door, either way will be an exploration.

  2. I was with a friend last week, who was trying to decide where to plant a new shrub she'd purchased. (yeah, I know).

    I said, "Go in the house to figure out where it should be," and I started quoting and crediting you.

    "Oh, I can figure it out from here," she boasted."

    I gave up.
