Friday, November 8, 2013

Empty Fabulous Pots

Pots so fabulous they can remain empty are the best pots.

What fun to doll-them up for a party.  And that's only reason #5.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Had the empty pot epiphany at Glamis Castle, and named this garden design rule, The Queen's Pot !  


  1. All the "Queen's" pots come at Queen's prices! I'm still looking....

  2. Very stunning urn and beautiful setting!

  3. Agree Tara! I am a pot lover from way back. The bigger the better, I only wish they did not weigh so much. I have picked up a few in Vietnam which I know will not endure a New England winter. I have even considered fork lifts to move them about...ah, the things we do for pots! ;)
