Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Garden Design: Airstrip Neighborhood

The brilliant 'Urn Idea' atop their low columns was nixed immediately.

Instead, we'll hunt for these caps, above.
Brain dropsy, I had forgotten airplane wings must easily navigate the driveway.
Every home in their neighborhood has a hangar + plane.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Used portions of the gate, above, for another client.  Hers had to be chicken/rabbit proof at the bottom.  It's obvious I have the best job within the galaxy.


  1. I want to see the gate where the bunnies and chickens live!
    Really,every home has a hanger and a plane?Where is this?The house looks lovely indeed........ATLANTA?

  2. I never really know what you're talking about. I love you!

  3. At first I thought an airstrip neighborhood might be one devoid of any trees. But, no.

    You do appear to have a dream job, but we all know how hard you must work.

    Please show us the caps when located and installed.
