Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Garden Road Map

Every size garden needs its map drawn.  A road map.

When I draw a new Garden Design it is on site.  I must know how it 'walks' in real life.

Garden rooms must be named.

Last month at Hedgerow Farm, finally, this was handed to me at lunch.  She knew I would be as excited as she was.

Within minutes I had already put it to work.
Yesterday the general contractor had questions about the next layer of installation & out came the map.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara


  1. Your garden map would look great framed.

  2. Wow, what a cool map. Mapping a garden, especially a little herb bed, is so much fun, like planning a honeymoon. Well, not exactly.

    Glad to hear your theory about garden rooms having names. Although my back yard is small I give areas of it names that sound quite pretentious, as though it were an estate: The Pink Garden, The Blue and Orange Border, The Fern Grotto, The Herb Bed, The Potager, The Scent Garden, and The Purple Corner. You would laugh to see it, especially after a summer where rain and warm weather made everything get way ahead of me.

  3. wow i like it,great idea...thanks for sharing.Now i know i wouldn't get lost in my garden..:)
