Monday, September 2, 2013

Choosing Happy

"The more you try to fathom it, the more fathomless it is revealed to be.  No matter how much of your self you are able to objectify and examine, the quintessential, living part of yourself will always elude you, i.e., the part that is conducting the examination.  Thus you do not solve the mystery, you live the mystery.  And you do that not by fully knowing yourself but by fully being yourself."   Frederick Buechner

I was once afraid to create the garden in my imagination.  Deed restrictions & a spouse both parroting, "You can't do that."
Death of loved ones, infertility treatments, little money, alcoholic spouse, blah-blah, whatever, yawn.  Unhappiness grew too deep.
Oh my the blessings of unhappiness.  I CHOSE to be happy.  Created my garden.  Grace entered.  Now, decades of joy.
Many of you already know, because you live it, happiness is a choice each day.  No matter the circumstances.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
In my career I meet so many on the cusp of choosing joy.  Though they don't know that's what they are choosing, yet.  Ironic, these thoughts come from meeting a 50+ woman angry at the world & demanding from the world ease & support.  Without working for it herself.  She is a joy to behold, in gratitude her life is not mine.  More, she is humbling, I could be her but my unhappiness grew too great to carry.  It's all in our choices.  Happiness harbors power.       
Pic via 5th & State.


  1. Such an incredibly powerful post. How often do we hold ourselves back from a life of happiness and joy because of our own choices.


  2. I agree with you. Like you, I have had some humbling events in my life. I found my peace building stone walls in my garden. I was a born feminist, but nothing says power to me like a pile of stone, a few hammers, and a vision coming into being.

    I have chosen to be happy with less and I'm not just talking about money. Joy and grace with a huge dose of solitude keep me centered.

    I am glad you began your own journey. I love the vanity tag a young friend with an artistic view of the world in a sport crazy world: YBNORML.

  3. I so agree, Tara. It's a mind set.

  4. I remember well those days of unhappiness and defeat. No more. Walk in gratitude every day. Occasionally I forget, only to be reminded that the small stuff is to be stepped over or around. The swim today of Nyad is a reminder that it is never to late to dream, or to accomplish that dream.

  5. You've expressed something SO profound here! I'd like to shout it from the rooftop :)

  6. This could NOT HAVE COME at a BETTER time! Thank you. franki

  7. The way you express your own joy always comes through loud and clear. This post made me stop and reflect because I too remember the choice of Unhappy Endurance. Making the changes we must make brings us Alive and is like automatic pilot of Happiness. Thank you Tara!
