Friday, July 5, 2013

Front Porch Plants

Choose pots, containers, plant stands so fabulous they can remain empty, if desired.

It's obvious, below, these plant stands can remain empty or filled easily for a party or whim.

Hydrangeas are in their black plastic container, hidden with erosion control fabric.
This front porch is meant for reading, I'll give you something worthy: "Wendy (nothing to do with Peter Pan but short for Wendell) Howell was a grand American gone native (How yer dawgs?) whom I prized as a friend because she did not take to just anyone and made an exception for me.  She like whippets and whisky and had too many of both.  Lots of husbands (including a Roosevelt) had come and gone and she eventually settled with a lady vet in one of those Irish cottages which were rare then and now only happen on postcards.  It had an earth floor and stable doors and, in the sitting room, a vast opening for the fireplace where, if you bent down to look up the chimney, you could see a big patch of sky. At the entrance to the cottage was a sculpture of two whippets, old friends to me as they were an echo of a similar model by Gott at Chatsworth.  Wendy held a pilot's licence but luckily never offered to take me for a spin."  Debo Mitford.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken last month Susanne Hudson's front porch.


  1. Wow, what direction does the front porch face. I am always amazed who can do container plants well.

  2. Look forward to the book, love the
    erosion control fabric ideas,how much
    fun can you two have?

  3. These planters are fabulous!! You are right: they are sculpture in their own right. Plus, that is another great use for erosion control fabric... Thanks for sharing!
