Friday, July 12, 2013

Billy Baldwin said, ".....

Billy Baldwin lived here for a bit.

"The grounds of the house fell sharply from a terrace, which had no railing, but the barrier was indicated by pots of blooming flowers.  Among his annual visitors were Igor Stravinsky and his wife, and one of the things that enchanted Igor about going to Stark's for the weekend was that he could hardly wait until after every meal to go to the edge of the terrace and piss over the precipice." from, Billy Baldwin an Autobiography
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic  via here.  House in the quote is not the house above.


  1. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. franki

  2. Hi Tara,

    Love your blog, been following you for a few months. I followed your link to the source of the photo in this post but could find no contact info for the blogger. I'd like to subscribe to their blog like I do yours...any ideas?



  3. Ironically the pic took forever to 'get'. Did google images and most would not 'save'.

    The link given was the best I could do.

    Almost gave up. But the style of garden shown is a personal favorite. Especially in urban settings.


  4. Was it about the nitrogen? Or territorial marking?
