Saturday, June 1, 2013

Keeping Plain, Plain

There is no 'architecture' at my home.  I've created my own.  The humble cottage.

Instead of lipstick-on-a-pig with the front door.  I've left it as modest as the day it was built.

With only a hint of character.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken last week in my garden.  Before the garden I can remember disliking my home so much I would cry coming back from any vacation.  This is my starter home, here 5 years then off to something 'better'.  That was almost 3 decades ago.  If away for a night I cannot wait to get back and see what has transpired in the garden.


  1. I am sure you have made some upgrades to the home.

  2. Tara, what a pretty door. Think of how lucky you are to still be in your "starter" home and have all that financial security equity! Always such a treat to start the weekend with one of your posts! Cheers!! Sarah

  3. I am new to your blog, and enjoying is so much. This post reminds me of the Mary Engelbreit quote, "Bloom where you're planted." Your front door is lovely, as is the Oakleaf next to it. Can't wait until my Oakleaf has filled out to that extent. I would love to see more of your garden.

  4. That's exactly how I am when I go away! But the key is having something great to come back to - garden, home, culture, friends. You did it well, so I'll let you know how my version works out!

  5. I totally understand....I feel the same way about my for 10 years this month and I just love little home with a big yard...
    Love, Mona

  6. It makes me smile to hear your satisfaction with your home after a bumpy start. Now and then I've thought it would be nice to move into some different - not better - just different. Then I look around and realize how difficult it would be to actually leave "home"....

  7. I don't know what is modest about that "Chippendale" ; Chinoiserie screen door??!!!

    I think it is incredible chic!!!

  8. I feel the same way about being away. I had two days in San Luis Obispo this weekend and on return found my tomato plants seemed to have grown a foot.
