Tuesday, June 11, 2013

In the Background

The armillary sundial is potent with its curves.  Have used it in many gardens thru the years.

This rarely happens, above.  The backdrop is gorgeous.  And not a bit of it is theirs.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pic same garden as yesterday's post.  Backdrop?  Mostly it's neighbor's driveways, air-conditioners......


  1. Another reason to get along well with your neighbors.

  2. I love it! I have a smaller version of it...it was so pretty, I had to have inside. One day, I may break down and put one outside...

  3. We are so on the same page...luv me an armillary (mine was supposed to go outside..it's on the armoire) and I have the blue porch ceilings and, etc. etc. franki

  4. Fingers crossed that the borrowed view remains. We had a similar one until someone built a new house there. Rats!
