Monday, May 27, 2013

You Must be Able to Parse

A view, below, from the swing.

The swing, below, from the chair, above.

Virginia sweetspire, a native, below.

Hydrangea 'Penny Mac', below. She's opening pink, after decades of blue, due to drought/aluminum uptake not ph.

You should be able to do this in your mature garden.
Parse the photo angles.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pics taken in my garden yesterday.


  1. "Parsing was almost insufferably tedious. It was also very difficult. And both these deficiencies were intensified by the way grammar was taught. Typically, students were first made to memorize definitions and rules, and only when they could recite them accurately by rote were they expected to apply them to sentences."
    (Kitty Burns Florey, "A Picture of Language." The New York Times, March 26, 2012)

    I'm still memorizing rules.

  2. Are the Spires fragrant. I have something similar here and they smell fabulous.

  3. add confederate jasmine to yet heighten the senses how enchanting
    Tara! as for parse had to look that
    one up got it, I think, in the manner it was intended.

  4. Keeping it real: I had to look it up, too.

  5. DITTO....
    i looked it up too!!!


    as always a lovely group beautiful garden & plant images.
    i am still learning all my northern plants and flowers.
