Monday, May 20, 2013

Hiding Ugly Views

Pleased as the Cheshire Cat.  One of my chief accomplishments.  Do you see why?

A few feet away from my house, above, is a neighbor's house.
Yet the view is a Woodland Garden: contorted filbert, hydrangea, camellia, azalea, hosta, fern, helleborus, bulbs, meandering path edged with tree limbs.  And the air-conditioner.
It's a lifestyle choice.  Anything else, for me, is subsistence living.
I travel farthest in my garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken yesterday, lovely rains all day.  The Woodland Walk is morning sun, with Tara's Trinity of the Southern Garden, azalea-camellia-hydrangea, there are blooms EVERYDAY all year.


  1. Lifestyle vs. subsistence vs. covering the ground...enjoying one's property vs. spending loads to vacation elsewhere. Enjoy the travels far away in your own space(s)!

  2. enchanting I am learning so much from
    your blog thanks

  3. When I moved into my new house 12 years ago, the view from the back yard was of the neighbouring apartment building's parking lot and dumpster. Except for the old laurel tree at the end of the lot, the property was bare. Now the fence is covered with ivy and silver lace vine, the maple and plum trees I planted are approaching maturity, and the hydrangea, viburnum, firethorn, heuchera, etc., make the garden feel like a park. I even have a tiny "woodland" garden at the point farthest from the house, with ivy, ferns, violets and trilliums under the old laurel tree. Heaven!

  4. Tara, I really enjoy your blog. You wouldn't believe the "view" that I have had to block and my options were quite limited as far as what to plant to screen out the offense. It wasn't much to look at when we moved here two years ago but it went from bad to completely unacceptable last fall when my neighbor moved in his RV, and popped the side out an inch away from the fence. Even though my new screening is a huge improvement, it will take about 3-5 years to completely screen out that beast but it is so worth it to look out my window and be happy.

    I like that there is someone out there like me, who wants their garden and home to a truly beautiful experience. Thank you for all your words of wisdom!

  5. Dear Tara what a difference, some of the views I have seen in my lifetime!!

    Come with me on my adventure in France.
    life, possibilities, grace
    a beautiful dream...

    Art by Karena

  6. Oh...I love that quote....I travel furthest in my garden. What a pretty view out your window all created by you.
