Monday, April 1, 2013

Listen to the Genius of the Place

Emergency phone call last month.  Client wavering on placement of stone steps & fire ring.

Many choices in Garden Design do not have a single answer.

This choice did.

Asymmetrical French architecture demanded the center of the new stone terrace & steps be on center with the gable peak/palladian window.
Love it when we can pull a string & hammer the stake.  Done.
Architecture & Garden are one.  Listen to the genius of the place.
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Pics taken 2 weeks ago on the job.  Top pic, general contractor & stone mason.  Both make everything I do better.
Georgia red clay.  Freshly disturbed.  Love that smell.


  1. That is a beautiful piece of property. Hope you'll show us the finished landscape!

  2. Yeah, we wanna see it when you're done!
