Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Choosing Dishes & Joy

What is the fuss about cooking?  

The big event here is choosing dishes, napkins, silver.


Before dinner I took pics in the garden.  The light was soft.  Chinese snowball, above, is peeking.
Cannot imagine living in a home without a beautiful garden.  A moat of grace.  When the world is crazy my garden makes it sane again.  When life harbors great joy my garden increases it.  Potent.
The best selling book of all time is full of garden metaphors for living.
Never met Tasha Tudor but understand her favorite line of poetry, 'take joy'.  She's right, joy is always there.  
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pics taken early yesterday evening.  Salad, chicken, field peas with snaps.....  Notice I had dishes with no food commentary?   But the garden wasn't left out !  I do have priorities.


  1. The dishes I would choose would be hand made, it makes people feel special to use something unique and beautiful and makes the table setting look magical.

  2. I agree with every last word you printed. I also love the soul of those dishes.



  3. I don't know about Atlanta, but right now is the absolute best time of year not only to work on our gardens here in coastal North Carolina, but to take meals out of doors. No humidity, no heat, no bugs (yet). Just the sound of birds and the fountain, and the sight of perennials and other plants coming to life. I also cannot imagine a home without a garden.
