Friday, April 26, 2013

Axis of Ugly: Views from this Gorgeous Interior

Interior attention to detail. 

Exterior attention to detail?
A grill.  Swathed in vinyl, no less.  Perhaps to match the countertops?  No, to match the ovens.
Axis of Ugly: Breakfast room window view.  Yard (yes, yard, obviously not garden) door view.  Window above the sink view.  And, probably dining room view, upstairs bedroom views.....
Why is this acceptable?  Generally it's the person bankrolling the interior demanding the grill, hence, acceptable.  Until that person reads a post like this.  Go ahead, you know you want to show it to him.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Why so hard on this topic?  "Men come to build sooner than to garden finely as if gardening were the greater art." Pope, 17th century.  Beautiful pics of interiors that denigrate the landscape are harmful to my profession.  
How to fix this?  Simplest? Hinged shutters, painted color of chair seats, above, in front of grill.  Fold & lean against wall when using grill.  
Pic via Cote de Texas.
Axis of Ugly.  Rather proud of that one !!  Would be a great lecture title for Puppet Barbuda.....


  1. I think you just coined a new (very imaginative) design term ... a graphic situation to avoid.

    I thought of you for the past few days, while touring beautiful homes and gardens. Next time you travel to Virginia, you MUST let me know ahead of time!

  2. We actually got rid of the big, ugly, vinyl covered grill a couple of summers ago. The views are far more important.

  3. Axis of ugly - a residential client, she savvy but husband a tinkerer, weak patio furniture, ls maintenance person quite unskilled who fell into it. So sad, seems impossible to work through from time and fees lost.

  4. Wonderful expression, think you have nailed another memorable phrase.

    Views out are SO important.

    Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog.
    xoxo S.

  5. A five-star post. I added the link onto my Facebook Group page because I think poorly conceived window views are a common problem. Thanks for helping me educate my readers.

  6. As I sit here at my kitchen table looking out across blooming rhododendrum; boxwoods; yellow, white & peach daffodils; across spring green grass and into the woods where I look each morning for the nesting wood ducks; I thank my heavenly gardener who had the foresight many years ago to leave for me a legacy of "view on axis". I am truly blessed!

  7. Blessed but can't spell rhododendron......we just call them rhodos anyway, as in "the rhodos are in full bloom!"

  8. Oh, I definitely need to try to convince my husband about the view and the position of our grill. Even though it's in the corner of our deck closest to the house, it still is visible from a few windows. Some type of screening would definitely work, as I really don't see a better place for it.
