Friday, March 15, 2013

Siting a Vintage Bell

They bought an old bell, below, and needed to know where to site it.

Have you considered where to put a bell historically?  Adore a new brain path.  Acreage, working acreage required signals.  Most important would be an emergency.  Secondarily, calling the hands to meals.  Here, above/below, the bell is close to the kitchen.

Soon the camellia hedge will obscure the cabin.  I do like the Double Axis pics, top/bottom.  Formal  & informal.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken at jobsite this month.  Same garden as several previous posts.


  1. Wish I would have had this before placing a client's bell! Then again, totally different context in his patio home in the sandy desert...
