Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Orchard Wall & Gate

Credentials.  Every element designed.  My general contractor had the audacity to ask if I sited the daffodils.
Receiving my gimlet eye, no words, he quickly backed away a couple of feet.  Literally.

I was at the jobsite this month siting the newest layer of plantings.  The guys loaded them from the grower, above, early in the morning.  My contractor spent over a week sourcing them.

Caterpillar had to be used to move each plant.  Planting holes had to be dug by hand due to electric/gas/water.
I staked location flags for the load of plants then zipped the acreage shooting the pics you've seen the past several days.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Some of 'the guys'.  Hardworking, pleasant, humble.  Without them, no gardens.
Considering the top pic for a logo.  Still amazed every element is designed, newly built/installed, yet Jane Austen rustic.  Everyone got it right.


  1. People you can depend on...what a gift!

    Stunning, as always!



  2. The gate is charming with the brick. I can see why you're taken with it.

  3. What an ambitious project. 'S wonderful that you were chosen instead of some hack who might screw things us.
