Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Guest Room

Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, says bedrooms are best with windows on 2 walls.  

Windows on 2 walls in their guest room, above/below, With the good fortune of a

 fireplace too.  Local pottery, & feathers from their pastures.

 Outside the windows, below.

This doesn't mean much to you now, below, it is

foliage & buds for summer's blooms.  The native oakleaf hydrangea.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics taken at a client this month.  Same home/garden as previous several posts.  2 regions of the brain are accessed with the camellia & oakleaf hydrangea.  Wish I could see a scan of it!  At least I know the joy of what it FEELS like.  Too bad for non-gardeners, they aren't wired for this brain cocaine.    .
Will get this entire room for you this year, promise.  You'll love the bathroom.  Views of the back porch......  And you haven't seen the bed yet.


  1. Tara, you've just about killed me! I wish I had the skills of a words smith to express my feelings when I view your snippets. Your words & pictures make me think of a box of chocolates...sometimes I bite into one and I wonder why was this included. Other bites produce a longing to try another and another. Your latest pictures produce that same feeling. I want to see the back porch, the full guest room, the entire bak patio. I want all the chocolates!

  2. Agreed on 2 windows, and the importance of ambiance. But I didn't even see that camellia...
