Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inside a Garden Design

Lunch at a jobsite last week.  New layers to be discussed.

Notes, sideways topics, hours of discussion.  Went back yesterday to design, alone.  Listening to the Spirit of the place.  I take nothing for granted & give it everything I have.  Gardens are intimate diaries of our hopes, hurts, & joys.  They speak of how we like to be alone, how we gather with friends, our relation to the land, stewardship of home & ourselves.    

A folding table/chair to design in the garden.  Moving  from garden room to garden room.  Serious concentration and much laughter.  Laughing in sinc with what the Muse performs.
Muse had fun at the Well House yesterday, cannot wait to source the vintage shutters & icon.  The fig arbors with benches were a delightful revelation.  Of course I laugh while I work.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics at client home.  How does anyone live outside the camellia zone?
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. gorgeous photo - makes me want to see more of the space!!!! marble!

  2. No camellias, when you once lived in the South, is very difficult. But we still laugh...

  3. Tara...

    It is heartbreaking to even try to grow camellias outside their zone and see them freeze. Good luck with your new project.


  4. Love the look & feel of your blog, I'm following.

  5. Good stuff - I am in such a slump with fires, etc, that I cannot focus. Maybe looking at your process some more will get me going again?

    Outside the camellia zone - we just have to manage, as we endure dry heat, sun, and desert light:-)

  6. I want to know more about the Well House!
