Saturday, February 2, 2013

Designing Joy

They had to downsize from the home they raised their children in, and thought would see them to the end.  Their business affected too greatly by the economy.

Their new home, on 5 sloping wooded acres, a good price because of the economy, was quite upsetting to him.  Ironically, she was the strong one.  He felt as if he had let her down, not being able to stay in their 'forever' home.
From the house I designed flowing woodland trails, a river pavilion and a hillside pavilion, in addition to what he expected.
She & I witnessed the child appear in his eyes.  Joy, arriving.  Providence holding him close, "You are safe, this land & home will nurture you, calm you, restore hope, give energy, peace."
Garden house, above, is what I have in mind for their garden pavilions.  Of course they will be wood, but the proportions are correct.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic via internet, lost provenance.
He seemed to think, at first, he could not afford the pavilions.  I let him know he cannot afford NOT to have them.  He's sourcing old windows/doors now.  Obviously I've watched Mary Poppins a few too many times, spit-spot.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. It isn't a home without a garden.



  2. It's not how big the's how nice the house. I could care less about having a big house. I just want my little house and grounds to be are right it will nuture them both. In the long run...they both will find it's the perfect place to be.

  3. Just beautiful, perfect 'moat of grace' as you would say.

  4. I can't imagine anything more beautiful than that little gem...but I bet you will come up with something even better!


  5. Hope your client can eventually see that the size of a home doesn't matter. It's the people in it that matters.

  6. When we married 38 years ago, I told my then just out of law school husband I did not want a huge house, I wanted it small and jewel like. After becoming a gardener and having turned over every inch of our lot with a spade or shovel, it would be hard to leave. We didn't move up when we could have, now we don't have to move down because we should have. Living below one's means has its rewards. At this stage of our lives—I'm 63—each day is its own gift. Finding that place that nurtures is often a difficult journey. All the best to this couple's new life and to the land that will hold them safe.

  7. This picture is one of my favorites in my garden Pinterest board. The proportions of door to wall mass to roof are perfect! (Salvage and sourcing make for a more personal space ... But you already know that.)
