Thursday, February 21, 2013

Consider Everything


You think we don't see the grill killing the views?
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
I can hear the lovely terra cotta pots from here, "How dare they put that thing with us."
Pic Cote de Texas.


  1. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who hears pots talking, do you ever here them singing?

  2. I was too busy worrying that a tall man is going to conk his head on that low-hanging-fruit of a chandelier. I didn't notice the grill at first. So true, Tara, and so cute that you think this way.

  3. Bullseye! You're giving me ideas for some posts...

  4. I am always amazed at how attached clients are to their grills and how viewing it from formal rooms never seems to bother them

  5. Beautiful terra cotta pots (I was lucky, lucky lucky to inherit some)!!!

    Talk and sing to me!!

    What is more hideous than a grill? I know they are great for families; we just need to "screen" them!!

    You are so right; they completely WRECK the views from the inside of the house!! Completely!!!

    Spread the word, Tara!!!!

  6. P.S (the chandelier is in the wrong spot); but it wouldn't hurt! It is made of silk!


  7. I just looked up and realized that my OWN grill is in my view of the pasture beyond my kitchen door. Thanks for the kick in the you-know-where ... I'm going to move it out of my line of sight now.
