Friday, February 15, 2013

A Brick Trinity

  I have never liked the bricks on my house.  Red, that orange red.  Truly red bricks must be fired longer, and cost more.

4 sides brick, and backdrop focal point to every garden view.  When is the last time you looked at your home whilst walking the garden?
Must find the correct 'white' to brush the bricks.
Aside from 'aging' the bricks, the whitewash adds 'depth' & 'texture'.
Sold, I adore trinities (and epiphanies): age, depth, texture.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pic Better Homes & Gardens.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. Let me know when you find the correct white to age the bricks. I also love it. Your blog is wonderful!

  2. I love painted brick; also! Lots of people sandblasted the paint off the brick that was meant to be painted; and it looks like hell!

    Old, hand made brick looks lovely whitewashed; but I am not sure. See the orange brick on our daughter's before house; It was not good!!!

  3. Why do some people go nuts if you tell them you want to paint brick?

    Raw, red brick indoors drives ME nuts, so I always paint it.

    Outdoors, I once whitewashed the brick of an entire foundation, just to tone it down. It was easy.

  4. I completely agree!
