Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vanishing Threshold

Vanishing threshold's 2 questions: 1) Is the garden so fabulous I MUST see inside the home.

2) Is the interior so fabulous I Must see the garden?
Casement windows, library thick with sconces, terra cotta pots looking 'as if' they were just carried in from the conservatory, I'm wanting to be in the garden looking in at dusk with all the lites on......this room & garden have me.
Want to read every book, see all the ironstone, types of silver.   What types of pots does she cook with?
More than narrative, this bit of vanishing threshold is mentoring.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Thank you Cote de Texas for another great pic on your blog.  Look at those library sconces again, notice the multiple layers?  No need to ask, I KNOW they are on a dimmer switch.
Do you want to be in your garden at dusk looking into your home?  I do.  And adore what I see.
pic via Bumble at Home.  In a small garden, for above, I would use #89 granite gravel instead of lawn less maintenance.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. That is so true, Tara. It is prettier to look into your room through a window at dusk/night than it is to actually be in the room! What is getting me--those 2 1/2 inch thick fab marble countertops and those adorable crank windows out onto the garden!

  2. Oh how beautiful . . . . is there ANY chance we can see the other side of the kitchen? I'm in love!

  3. Eventually, your repetition of the 2 vanishing threshold q's will sink in. Then entering receipts ruins the moment...

  4. Yeah, I'm swooning over those windows, too. Casement windows have the best feng shui. When they open out, the "scoop up" energy.

    I want that kitchen.
