Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Banquet

We completed her extensive garden & house renovation in 2011, she called us back for another layer recently.

Chatting inside, getting a little tour of our earlier work, I said, "You must have a banquet here."  Laughing, she said it was exactly what an earlier interior decorator told her.
What are the chances of that?
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Pic House of Turquoise.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. That is such an inviting space, I love the turquoise.

  2. can't help myself: banquette
    love your blog
