Thursday, January 3, 2013

Historic Template

Shelf-steps, terra cotta pots, topiaried evergreens.

Big impact in the garden & easy resource for your interior.  A historic template.
Recognize her?  Bunny Mellon.  I adore everything this woman does in her gardens.
Garden & Be Well,                XO Tara
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. Those shutters that mirror the windows are amazing!

  2. Wow! The new header sure woke me it! I also admire Bunny Mellon's gardens.

  3. I love your header picture.
    Love the beautiful window and shutters and lovely topiary filled terra cotta pots.

    Have a great 2013.
    FlowerLady Lorraine

  4. Love this post. Bunny Mellon, C.Z. Guest, even Katherine Hepburn, recognized the benefits, importance, and beauty of gardening.I don't own an Hermes Birkin, but I've got a pot collection to die for...k

  5. Wow-zah. New year, new look. Love it.
