Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Boot Seat

I need this & know of dozens more who need it too.

The cliche, name it to claim it.
A new thing for my eyes to scour for while junking/thrifting.
I'm already anticipating colors to paint it.
And how to redo the back door to place it.
An old wood feed trough houses my garden boots now.  Charming but too small.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic saved to show a client, alas did not save provenance.

If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. I've been looking for something like this to put in my mud room but it has to be small enough to fit and not block the windows. The feed trough is a great idea.

  2. I need about 3 of these, for various entry points.

  3. I need about 3 of these, for the various entry points into the house.

  4. Let's just invent one! Paint it this perfect color; and start selling them!

    I have decided that those duckhouses ; (remember the guy from Georgia?); dog stairs covered with old rug remnants.....and various divine things to fill needs of those of us on the same page!

    Tara; I want your suggestions! I have my wonderful husband (who is the "Lee Iaccoca" of business; running my very small business )

    I think we can sell these things that will help ducklings and ducks; help older dogs get on their owner's beds in a very lovely way (for the owner to see); we may be able to join!!


    ps my divine mother said to me many years ago...."when you meet a 'kindred soul' put your heads together!"

    She was from Alabama.
