Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pleasure Grounds

Pleasure Grounds, Pleasure Walk, Pleasure Garden were common terms, once-upon-a-time.

Look up 'pleasure' & you'll discover it includes overlapping elements of liking-wanting-learning.  
Without the science/s of today previous generations intuitively knew design-pleasure-into-life.  It is something to be taken, & given.
Is your garden a Pleasure Ground?  To you?  To all who see it?
My Pleasure Grounds, aka garden, bring Nature & friends into my life.  Many times a hand scribbled note on torn paper has been left at my door or in the mailbox, "I love your garden, my name is........call me at this number .........", or I've been in my garden & a car stops.  Goo-goo eyed adult/s get out & sheepishly introduce themselves & ask to see my garden.
Yes, it is good to take, and give, Pleasure.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Forgot where I saved the pic from.  Built a garden house for a client last year & suggested to him we call it the Pleasure House.  Immediately he axed the idea, "It's already hard enough to keep my teenage son from having sex......."  Though he did appreciate where I was coming from historically.
Counterintuitively it's giving pleasure that is the most selfish.  It is where you will find grace.


  1. My daughter refers to my garden as another room of our home.

  2. That is a fact! Giving pleasure is the best pleasure!

    I almost started bawling crying after my "speaking engagement "in Dallas.....these women are STILL (lots of them have houses in Montecito); and saying how much they loved my "speech" (which wasn't one! It was a "story" and everyone loves hearing good stories!

    That is why i LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your blog!!! Every single time!

  3. How funny is this? I just left a comment on a blog yu did in 2009!!

