Thursday, December 6, 2012

How To Garden with Dogs

Listen to the dog!

Where do they run, lay, dig?
Have drawn dozens of gardens with a running path at the fence, shrubs/groundcovers/trees placed where the dog lets me place them.
Only 1 dog exasperated me, & her owner, I created 'cross' paths where the sweet hellion ran.  That garden is on the cover of 1 of my books.  Proof, the biggest challenges make the best gardens.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic from Rough Luxe Lifestyle


  1. That picture of the dog in the birdbath cracked me up. Mine haven't done that. Yet.
    We are still figuring out this garden with dogs thing. They like to be EVERYWHERE. At least these two aren't doing what another did. He ate the bark off all the trees and then dug up every blade of grass. I grieved the trees, but not the grass. Now he has a home in the country where he can herd cows all day. Poor boy just needed a real JOB.

  2. Some dogs just won't be stopped! (It's usually cats that are this exasperating :) I love this photo!

  3. Napoleon is learning..."Napoleon,we don't pee on flowers, do we?"
    When we take him for his walks he pees on all the fire hydrants, public light poles, etc. We call them pee mails for his friends. Lately however, he has been leaving a great deal of spam. :{)



  4. As the owner of 4 dogs this article really grabbed my attention, of course I laughed out loud when I saw the picture. I've let them have their space and I'd garden around it, so far that's working.

  5. Sometimes the dog owners are worse than their dogs! But nice to hear success can be had in working within the challenge to make it the solution...may as well not fight gravity.

  6. Hilarious photo! A wonderful blog post - as always!

  7. Tara

    I am so behind on my blog reading. I started catching up and lo an behold I spot my crazy dog! He hasn't pulled that trick for awhile, maybe he is growing up? Doubtful...
