Thursday, November 15, 2012

Office Renovation

My real office is your garden.  When you hire me it's to turn your hopes & dreams of a garden into plants-hardscape-house, a Vanishing Threshold, that ephemeral bonding of joy letting you hold onto faith, expand your spirit & gather grace.

 This zone, designing gardens, is intoxicating, Joseph Campbell speaks of it as experiencing eternity here & now.

My office must let me leave ties of place to become a Mental Traveler.

Letting the Muse of writing, lecturing, powerpoints, & Garden Design 'dance'.

In homage to Bunny Mellon, my basket table.  Each client for the day goes into their own basket, a lecture in the evening has its own basket too.  Adore multiple basket days.

Long-distance Garden Design is done, above.

Administrative tasks here.

Overlooking the garden, below.  Best place to blog, surf, read.

No rugs or art yet.  Enjoying the simplicity.  
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Laskett, left above, devoted to me no friends like him!  He pays them zero attention.  If there is a loud crash or something 'wrong', daily occurrences, it's Laura, right above.
Love walking into my office every morning.  Decades of joy.
I adore looking at offices, thought it fair to show mine.


  1. You are such an inspiration for me.

    Art? What should I give you?


  2. Holy moley, no wonder you love walking into your office. It's delicious. So functional, unpretentious, and lovely. I'm stealing the basket idea.

    Oh, those kitties! They own the place.

    "...hold onto faith, expand your spirit & gather grace." Did you make that up? That's beautiful.

  3. Loved this post ! Enjoy all your musings too! N.xo

  4. I could be very happy here! It's so soothing Tara.

  5. Just fabulous!! I love it. and so beautifully written too.

  6. Hi Tara!

    Oh; I was in tears reading "Gardening with dogs"! Tears.

    You are obviously someone who loves animals......and I I know you love your cats.

    But you are a person who should never be without a dog. Never.

    There are so many wonderful dogs in shelters right now; you have no idea!

    (this is completely none of my business; but that has never stopped me!)

    Please adopt a dog! There is just way too much in your heart about dogs; for you to be without one!


    My wonderful husband gave an"edict" only two dogs.
    (He is truly always right! and one time we had 4!)

    Two Wednesdays ago.... a friend rescued a small dog on an "on ramp" to the freeway in downtown LA!
    (She looks like our dogs!)

    She saved her life by "minutes!" (and risked her own!)
    I said I would "foster"

    ..she just glued herself to Adam's ankle......The vet fell in love; the grandchildren fell in love; and by Friday morning;Adam was a "goner" too!

    We now have three dogs. (this is so funny! Adam said "I didn't change the rule. I just have a back-up in case something happens to one of the other two!"

    You really do need a dog. Look at the expression on your face with Suzy!


    ps. One way I knew I needed to get a divorce from the father of my daughter was when I looked at some photographs......(we are talking 1976)!

    I could see on my face how unhappy I was.
    I couldn't see it in the mirror! And I did not let it into my consciousness!
    There it was in the photographs. Pain, hurt, loneliness ! It helped me immeasurably!

    Photographs capture feelings we don't even know we are having!

    Much love,

    pps I am trying to find a "link"! about this!

    I LOVE your blog! well, duh!
