Saturday, October 6, 2012

Practically Perfect

This would never happen 'new' in Atlanta, GA.  

And isn't that sad.
Why does everything have to be so perfect?  Mary Poppins knew 'practically perfect' was better.
This feels like a one sided conversation with Jane Austen.  Of course we know what type of character she would let live here!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Pigtown Design.  Can't you smell the Tara Turf?


  1. I had to look and re-look, but I missed it until you asked about the scent of Taraturf. Now I get it...answer is yes! Not the scent of chemicals or mowers-blowers, as per the old guard.

    I remember the patchy lawns of Bermudagrass in Oklahoma, some still around older areas in Abq, and our patchy St Augustine in Alabama...they were OK and let the importance go to the bigger picture. The furniture of trees and other plants are so much more interesting to me, as well as the architecture. Lawns to me just carpet - a few stains just fine. I care about furniture more!

  2. And I feel guilty because my lawn isn't perfect. I think its good enough...I figure the focus is on trees and bushes. My neighbor to the west came out one day and said....I should pull some of my bushes out and plant things more symmetrical. He thought my landscaping was the existing landscape. I said....I planted every bush. I like it a little wild. By the way....I thought his landscape was imperfectly perfect till he ripped out all the stuff and planted teeny bushes in rows. I used to love to gaze at his yard and now it is just boring.

  3. Hmmmm cryptic!
    perfect or imperfect... I love it!
    Bec x

  4. sweet.
    i would love to live there!!!

    thank you for your sage advice
