Monday, September 3, 2012

Simple Garden Fix

A simple solution

 to a couple of tons of problem.
Car tires.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
pics taken at a jobsite last month.  Granite cobblestones.  New, I think from Mexico.  Can't wait till the groundcover, liriope, fills in and there is no more dead brown mulch.


  1. Thank you for this! Now I can show it to my husband so he can see what I have been trying to describe to him. I have an area that needs this exact treatment, but he couldn't picture what the cobblestones and lirope would look like. Now he doesn't have to imagine it. There's a picture of it.

  2. Makes sense - and you have negative space (drive, pavers, liriope esp. when filled in), and positive space (forest trees). Great idea to use the pavers for a transition.

  3. Yep...that's a pretty neat idea!
    Bec x

  4. so elegant.
    a fabulous hedge and border.


  5. The pavers will age beautifully in a few years, I've used them before and they are a fraction of the cost of old/used/antique, which are so hard to come by today.

    THIS is the only use for mulch...waiting for the plants to cover the ground!

    Excellent solution!

  6. will that groundcover grow in Santa Barbara?

    Almost everything does......just checking!
    My favorite mulch is "oak leaf mulch" It is actual 'oak leaves' and California oaks shed leaves all year long..they are beautifully shaped leaves; and they are retrieved from under California live oaks! The "blowers" (I don't let them blow on our property) blow them down the road into a pile......and our gardener collects them in his wheelbarrow; and puts them on our paths with his rake and wheelbarrow! I will take a picture and send you!

    You can buy "oak leaf mulch" by the bag!



  7. Nice solution. I have recently put stone "caps" on the pointy ends of some of my garden beds. People will always step there anyway. Love the pine needle mulch, which I have just introduced to my Rwanda garden (my gardener is a bit skeptical.)

  8. I forgot to say; "oak leaf mulch" (oak leaves that have fallen off) is $50 a 25 pound bag!

    We are "coining it here!) and it is so picturesque !!

    They are lovely shaped leaves!
