Friday, September 21, 2012

Princess Sturdza & Making Shade

Princess Sturdza's home, Le Vasterival, and garden in France were a hilarious welcome.  She was waiting for us standing on a tree stump holding a long sharp stick.  Describing the treasures awaiting we were also told 'never' to set foot in one of her beds.  Within the hour a silly German man leaned forward to ask her a question.  As quickly as his evil-offending-foot tapped her bed she whacked it with the stick.  Hard.

 We arrived, above, I still see her & hear the crunch of gravel.
Last nite was my SHADE lecture.  Instead of the ubiquitous pics & ridiculous focus on shade plants blah-blah-ad nauseum bore.  I focused on making shade where desired, and the pruning away of shade where it's too thick.  

Like the Princess my home leads with a bay window, above.  
It's tiny, faces full sun, a street & several neighbors.  A trinity of unpleasantness easily landscape designed into a charming Bay Terrace garden with gravel, shade, focal point, seating & privacy from the neighborhood view.    
Who's the Princess?
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Top pic from internet, my Le Vasterival pics are still slides.  Bottom pic my bay window yesterday.  A great place to read, use wireless, lunch/dinner, journal, enjoy the birds-blooms-filtered lite.


  1. I wish I could have seen that program you gave, P. you create or minimize shade via pruning. Charming tea terrace...I like. For me, a croissant and french roast terrace...

  2. I hope one day you will do a lecture in CA so I can attend. Until then I can only visit vicariously...who is the princess anyway?

  3. Thanks to the Author Tara Dillard for such a great post. It is indeed beautiful the house design you portrayed through your story and pics. And best of luck for Shade lectures. :)
